Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Positioning and differentiation strategies Essay

Positioning and differentiation strategies - Essay Example Positioning strategy is influenced by the attributes, the types of the consumers who are involved in this process, application and the object attributes. Differentiation strategy is concerned with developing the unique products and services for different types of customers. Differentiation strategy is considered as one among the three generic marketing strategies. Mayo Clinic has been established for offering the best available services to its patient through the integrated clinical practice and the education and research. For developing the reputation of the clinic it has focused on the positioning strategy. Mayo Clinic in order to attract more of its customers or patient has concentrated on the needs and the requirements of the patients and it has also developed the level of commitment of its staff. In terms of the cost, Mayo clinic have engaged lot of engineers in there clinic who are constantly engaged in improving the efficiency of the science and technology. The clinic has a training centre that guides or assists the staff in the use or the application of the technology for removing or decreasing the waste and therefore it has taken various initiative that will result in the better or suitable outcome that will be safe for the patients and therefore it has focused on providing the better services at a affordable and reasonable cost that will increase the value of the clinic. Mayo clinic has positioned itself as a diagnostic centre. The positioning is considered as an important strategy for developing and increasing the customer base and also the brand equity. The positioning strategies of Mayo clinic is mainly focusing on driving the growth , achieving the goals and the objectives defining the brand, improving the services and understanding the patient and offering the best available services to its patients. Since there are different positioning strategies adopted by

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Gun Control Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Gun Control Report - Essay Example Mostly, those involved in gun violence may not be gun owners, but might be individuals that have illegal access to guns. Generally, gun ownership tends to be strict upon civilians as many at times individuals with the intention of committing crimes acquire guns with relative ease through illegal means. Therefore, it is import that the government sensitizes the public on matters related to gun ownership before the actual implementation of gun control policies at the legislative stage of governance. Further, this report will give the various statics surrounding the reported numbers of gun related crimes within the urban setups as compared to those in rural areas. Ideally, the number of gun related violence in urban states where there are strict regulations on gun acquisition are higher than the rates in rural areas where gun acquisition is easy (Joe, 2012). Subsequently, the report will be in tandem with the practical approaches applicable in the minimization of gun related crimes at t he lowest level of governance to ensure that civilians also play a role in developing safer living environments. The report would also to address the impact of the castle doctrine laws in some states as possible contributors to gun violence. This is in line wit the Institute of Legislative Action under the National Rifle Association as per the provision of the Second amendment in the US Constitution (Davies, 2013). Your sincerely, May 20th 2013 Table of Contents Table of Contents 4 Executive Summary 5 Introduction 5 Problem statement 7 Method 7 Findings 8 Analysis 10 Conclusion 10 References 12 Joe, W., B. (2012). The reality of the Gun Control Debate. Retrieved from 12 Webster, D. W. et al. (2012). The Case for Gun Policy Reforms in America. John Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research Press. Retrieved on 20th May 2013 from and-research/publications/WhitePaper102512_CGPR.pdf 12 Appendix 13 Executive Summary Presently, at least thirty thousand people that are part of the American population die because of gun inflicted wounds in which the greatest proportion of this number is young people. Ideally, this aspect has made gun violence be the greatest contributor to the premature demise of the young population of America. On the other hand, the statistics on the number of reported non-fatal gun related crimes amount to close to three hundred and forty seven thousand cases with a minimal number of this people seeking treatment at hospital departments. In essence, the rate of homicide in America is seven times higher than that of other developed economies making it a worrying trend for a good performing economy (Sowell, 2012). Fundamentally, the lack of proper gun laws is the prime reason as to why there is a higher prevalence of gun ownership and higher cases of gun related violent crimes. Further, gun viole nce also impacts the economy as the US population loses a significant number of the work force to violent deaths while the rest incurs expenses in seeking treatment for the injuries caused by gun violence. The traumatic effect caused by gun violence tends to have an impact on the increase of poverty levels as it tends to influence psychological imbalance for those affected by this tragic event. According to statistics, the average direct or